Providing placement services to students who are interested in attending high school in the Alberta region, outside of their home community.
Host A Student in Your Home
Are you interested in hosting a student for the school year?
Apply online: Boarding Home Parent Application
Hosts receive room and board monthly instalments as long as the student’s family agrees and you and all adults in your home have a clean Criminal Record Check and Child Intervention Check.
Read the Boarding Home Program Handbook
Become a Boarding Home Student
Apply Online: Boarding Home Program Application - Parent/Guardian of Student
Read the Boarding Home Program Handbook
Supporting Academic Success
The purpose of this program is to provide placement services to students from Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation , Chipewyan Prairie First Nation, and Fort McMurray 468 First Nation who are interested in attending high school in the Alberta region, outside of their home community.
The boarding home family provides room and board to a high school student. The objective is to have the student integrate with the family while being provided with residential accommodation and academic/personal support in a safe and supportive environment while the student pursues their high school education
To be eligible for entry into the Boarding Home Program, the student must meet the following criteria:
1. The student must be a registered member of one of the Athabasca Tribal Council (ATC) First Nations:
• Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation
• Chipewyan Prairie First Nation
• Fort McMurray 468 First Nation
2. The student’s permanent place of residence must be with their parents or legal guardians on Reserve or on Crown Land at the time of application.
3. The student is from an ATC community that does not have educational facilities and/or regular school services/programs available to the student, thereby, making daily school attendance from the parental home impossible (e.g. high school, special education or vocational programs). The parents/guardians must obtain a letter from the local school advising that the program the student wishes to pursue is not available locally.
4. The student’s parents/legal guardians have completed all application forms, arranged for a suitable boarding home, and registered their child in a high school.
5. The student must be registered in Grade 10, 11, or 12 at the time of application.
6. The prospective boarding home parent(s) must have an R.C.M.P and Child Welfare clearance prior to being accepted as boarding home parents.
7. The student has read, understood and agreed to abide by the rules of the Boarding Home Program.
Off-Reserve Students: Students residing off-reserve must apply to the Northland School Division for funding.
Out-of-Province Students: A student who is residing outside of the Province of Alberta must apply to their respective School Divisions.
Private School Students: Students wishing to attend private schools must apply directly to Indian and Northern Affairs.
apply now
If you are interested in this program or would like to billet a student, please contact:
Education Coordinator
780-791-6538 *243
The results
“My boarding home parents are great, they make me feel like I’m part of their family.
I really like joining the other students for lunch each month. We talk about our experiences and I feel connected to my home community through them. I am so inspired that we are all working towards the same goal of a better education. I’m excited for what we will all do in the future.”
— Boarding Home Student, 2019