Who we are

The Better Together Project (BTP) began when Alberta Health Services (AHS) and the Athabasca Tribal Council (ATC) agreed to work together to improve healthcare in the Wood Buffalo area. One big change will be creating an Indigenous Health Space at the Northern Lights Regional Health Centre (NLRHC) in Fort McMurray. They are also working with the Northern Lights Health Foundation and the University of Alberta’s College of Health Sciences. Syncrude, operated by Suncor, is helping financially to support some of the research needed.

Roles of the Better Together Project Partners: 

Athabasca Tribal Council

ATC is in charge of leading the project using Indigenous voices, talking with people, sharing information, and, most importantly, teaching and speaking up about it. ATC wants to connect with all Indigenous communities in the area, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people who live in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. ATC promises that all Indigenous communities can join in the Better Together Project and help decide how it will work.

Alberta Health Services (AHS)

AHS will help make important changes to break down barriers that make it hard for Indigenous communities to get fair healthcare. They promise to give what's needed to make the Indigenous Health Space work well. AHS wants all Indigenous people in the area to feel respected, safe, and cared for.

Northern Lights Health Foundation (NLHF)

AHS is dedicated to helping. The Northern Lights Health Foundation is raising money to build the Indigenous Health Space at the Northern Lights Regional Health Centre. They've already secured some funds for research and data collection in the BTP thanks to a kind donation from Syncrude, which is run by Suncor.

University of Alberta, Health Sciences

AHS is working with the University of Alberta’s Health Sciences department. They are using the CARE (Collaborative Applied Research for Equity in Health Policy and Systems) Research Lab to do research. This research will help make changes that help Indigenous people and healthcare workers.

To contact the Better Together Project team

Email: bettertogetherproject@atcfn.ca

  • Seeds of Change

    Learn more about the Indigenous-led foundations that guide the changes we are making to the healthcare system.

  • Status Updates

    Learn about what we have accomplished so far, what our next steps are, and how you can get involved and provide feedback.

  • Tell us Your Story

    We want to hear about your experiences accessing and receiving healthcare within the Wood Buffalo regions. You matter, and your stories will help us make positive changes for everyone!

  • Donate

    Your support will have a impact and will help to improve the community and bringing a positive change into Indigenous health and healing.